MINDset Monday: Moonshot Thinking

Moonshot Mindset is going 10X bigger when everyone else is pursuing a 10% incremental change. Moonshots are at the intersection of tremendous opportunities, breakthrough technology, and a radical solution.

From me:

“The day before something is a breakthrough it’s a crazy idea.” [Tweet]

From the world:

“You don’t spend your time being bothered that you can’t teleport from here to Japan, because there’s a part of you that thinks it’s impossible. Moonshot thinking is choosing to be bothered by that.”

– Astro Teller (Alphabet’s Captain of Moonshots) [Tweet]

Moonshot Data:

A thought exercise for the week:

Can you name five concepts that once started as a crazy idea, progressed to a breakthrough, and is something we now take for granted? Ideas like digital photography or FaceTime Video Conferencing? [Tweet]

Until next week,

Peter Diamandis Founder, author & data-driven optimist

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