MINDset Monday: Longevity Mindset

A Longevity Mindset is about taking ownership of your health and thinking long-term. It means embracing the technologies and massive medical advancements that can and will extend your healthspan. The longer you operate at peak capacity, the greater your possible contributions to society.

This Mindset Monday Issue is based on my upcoming podcast, Moonshots & Mindsets. I'm offering a few special rewards to early supporters of the show.

Learn more here.

From me:

“Now more than ever, you don’t have to accept the cards you’re dealt. Don’t forget that human beings never evolved to live past age 30. The fact that we routinely double or triple that life expectancy is miraculous.” [Tweet]

From the world:

Steve Aoki on living 700 more years…

Data-Driven Optimism

A 2020 study tested cellular rejuvenation in aging mice. Those that received the Yamanaka Factors showed younger cells and no decreased health. Their youthful state was better assessed after months, suggesting that the Yamanaka Factors halted aging and actively reversed it.

A thought exercise for the week:

Imagine that you are guaranteed to live healthy until at least 120 years old — retaining the cognition, esthetics, and mobility you have today (or at your peak).

How would it influence the actions you’re taking today? Would you slow down? Stop and smell the roses? Start another company? Have more kids?

The length of our healthspan will increase. Leaders like Ray Kurzweil and George Church, Ph.D., predict we will reach Longevity Escape Velocity (the point at which we add an additional year of life for every year that we are alive) within the next 20 years. Your job is to live healthy enough to intercept those technologies coming your way.

How will you change your diet, exercise, sleep, and mindset to intercept these coming breakthroughs?

Until next week,

Peter Diamandis, M.D.Founder, Author & Data-Driven Optimist

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