Mindset Monday: Longevity Mindset

A Longevity Mindset is about taking ownership of your health and thinking long-term. It means embracing the technologies and massive medical advancements that can and will extend your healthspan. The longer you operate at peak capacity, the greater your possible contributions to society.

From me:

“It's sad that most people spend all their savings in the last 5% of their lives fighting disease with extreme measures, rather than use the capital earlier to keep them healthier longer.” - @PeterDiamandis [Tweet]

From the world:

“Our aim should be to help our patients die young, as late as possible.”

 - Tenley Albright (Surgeon) [Tweet]

Data-Driven Optimism:

A study led by Dr. Teruhiko Wakayama at the University of Yamanashi in Japan successfully cloned a healthy mouse from freeze-dried skin, pioneering an innovative way of preserving biodiversity. [Tweet]

Source: Nature

A thought exercise for the week:

Longevity starts with what you can do for your health today. How much water do you drink per day? You should be drinking 2 to 3 liters of water, which is around 12 cups of water per day.

Try to increase your water intake to a minimum of 10 cups per day this week. [Tweet]

Question of the week:

How long do you want to live?

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Until next week,

Peter H. Diamandis, M.D.Founder, Author & Data-Driven Optimist

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