Mindset Monday: Gratitude Mindset

An increasing abundance of opportunities and a dizzying rate of technological progress can often blind us to many of the simple joys in our lives. A Gratitude Mindset involves regularly making the shift from Expectation to Appreciation, and from Overwhelm to Thankfulness.

From me:

“From a basic “standard of living standpoint,” each of us now has access to more fresh food, clean water, educational content, and medicines than kings and queens had just a century ago.” - @PeterDiamandis [Tweet]

From the world:

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”

- Voltaire (writer) [Tweet]

Data-Driven Optimism:

People are happier than ever. Between 1990 and 2014, 49 out of the 69 countries surveyed have increased in happiness. Most dramatically, Zimbabwe reported an increase in happiness from 56.4% in 2004 to 82.1% in 2014. [Tweet]

A thought exercise for the week:

My friend, Tony Robbins, shared this excellent Gratitude exercise in my new podcast that he calls Priming:

Take ten minutes in the morning to sit down with yourself. For the first minute, try some breathwork, such as the breath of fire technique.

Now, take three minutes, and you'll pick memories you're grateful for, one minute per memory. It can be something in your life or your day- try to be present in the memory, remember how you felt at that moment.

Then for the next three minutes, say a prayer or a blessing for the best of you to be used that day, and then send that prayer over to those you love.

In the final three minutes, engage in what Tony calls "three to thrive." Spend a minute each thinking of three things you want to accomplish, but imagine them as if you've already achieved them.

This is how you prime your brain for an extraordinary day in just ten minutes.

Question of the week:

What Makes You Feel Grateful?

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Until next week,

Peter Diamandis, M.D.Founder, Author & Data-Driven Optimist

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