Mindset Monday: Exponential Mindset

We live in an exponential world, but our brains evolved in a linear one. Therefore, it’s essential to train your Exponential Mindset if you wish to thrive and master the world we currently inhabit.

From me:

“The decade ahead is not ‘Humans versus AI’; it’s all about ‘Humans plus AI.’ The future is about Human-AI collaboration [...] automating the routine, and humanizing the exceptional.” - @PeterDiamandis [Tweet]

From the world:

“I have a very simple metric: Are you working on something that will change the world? Yes or no? The answer for 99.9 percent of people is “no.” We need to train people on how to change the world. Technologies are the way to do that.”

- Larry Page (Co-Founder, Google) [Tweet]

Data-Driven Optimism:

The Google Brain (AI) has decreased the computer microchip manufacturing process from 4+ months to a few hours. [Tweet]

Source: Nature

A thought exercise for the week:

As an entrepreneur, it is critical to own a few mental hacks that will help you see the world through an exponential lens.

Let’s examine one:

Skating to where “the Puck-Is-GOING-To-Be”: If you’re building a new startup using exponential technologies, it’s critical to design your business anticipating where that technology will be in three or four years (rather than today). Otherwise, the technology could already be outdated when you come to market. For example, the creators of Siri (before it was sold to Apple) designed Siri while anticipating where computational speed and natural language processing would be in three years.

Question of the week:

How do you make decisions and use AI in your company?

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Until next week,

Peter H. Diamandis, M.D.Founder, Author & Data-Driven Optimist

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Take a look at what a reader had to say:


Eric Schmidt's AMA: AI, National Security, and Cyborgs

In this "Ask Me Anything" session, Eric answers questions ranging from the future of advertising in Web3 and how technology will affect emerging markets like Africa to leadership lessons learned at Google and the morality of AI consciousness.

Eric Schmidt is best known as the former CEO of Google. He previously served on the Board of Directors at Apple and is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Broad Institute. From 2019 to 2021, Eric chaired the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.


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