Mindset Monday: Exponential Mindset

We live in an exponential world but our brains evolved in a linear one. It’s important to train your exponential mindset if you wish to thrive and master the world we currently inhabit.

This Mindset Monday Issue is based on my upcoming podcast, Moonshots & Mindsets. I'm offering a few special rewards to early supporters of the show.

Learn more here.

From me:

“In 30 linear steps, you end up 30 meters away, across the street. In 30 exponential steps, you’re 1,000,000,000 meters away – put differently, you’ll circumnavigate the Earth 26 times!” [Tweet]

From the world:

Salim Ismail on how the universe rewards an Exponential Mindset…[Tweet]

Data-Driven Optimism:

TEDx ran 20,000 events in the company's first five years by re-inventing the model…[Tweet]

A thought exercise for the week:

If you have kids or young cousins around, give them a choice of the following two options, and ask them which they would rather have:

Option #1: I will give you $1 per day for the next 30 days.

Or, would you rather...

Option #2: I will give you a penny on the first day, two cents on the second day, four cents on the third day, eight cents on the fourth day, and keep doubling every day for a total of 30 days.

Now, choose.

Option #1 will net you $30. It’s predictable: the definition of linear.

But with option #2, we’re doubling (i.e., growing exponentially), and the growth goes from deceptive to disruptive.

The first five days (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 cents) net you just 31 cents—it’s deceptively dismal.

But after 30 doublings, the situation gets disruptive. We’ve now increased the payout one-billion fold.

By day 30, your payout is now $10,737,418.24.

That’s the promise and power of exponential growth!

Until next week,

Peter Diamandis, M.D.Founder, Author & Data-Driven Optimist

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We’re almost 1 week away from the Moonshots & Mindsets Podcast launch!

Want to learn more about the podcast? Join my launch group below to get updates, participate in an AMA, and the possibility of winning a 1-on-1 consulting session with me. All you need to do is help me spread the word on the day of the podcast release!


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