MINDset Monday: Curiosity

“The quality of your questions determines the quality of your life.” - Tony Robbins (Life Coach)

From me:

“During the age of Google, when you can know anything you want, the quality of the questions you ask is more important than what you think you know.” [Tweet]

From the world:

“The quality of your questions determines the quality of your life.” - Tony Robbins (Life Coach) [Tweet]

Data-driven optimism:

In the past 10 years, the amount of objects launched into space for exploration has increased from 129 to 1,807.  [Tweet]

A thought exercise for the week:

Imagine the year is 2035, and human-level artificial general intelligence (AGI) exists. What’s one question you would ask it? [Tweet]

Until next week,

Peter Diamandis Founder, author & data-driven optimist

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